Articles 1970's
Where it all began.... (1971)
In a 1971 Albany Student Press "Letter to the Editor" titled Injurious, Sandy Lutfi describes her disappointment in the response time it took for emergency care to arrive fo an injured athlete.
November 12, 1971- Albany Student Press (Vol 59, No 51) Letter to the Editor "Injurious" by Sandy Lutfi
Source: [17.1.1] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionIn response to this, Barry Bashkoff was inspired and determined to develop a solution.
This letter to the editor was the first step toward establishing a collegiate ambulance service at SUNY Albany- which is still operational today.
December 3, 1971- Albany Student Press (Vol 58, No 55) p7, Letter to the Editor "Emergency" by Barry Bashkoff
Source: [17.1.2] University at Albany, University Archive Digital Collection Click HERE for full PDF of issueThe Next Steps... Recruitment and Training (1972)
February 29, 1972- Albany Student Press (Vol 59, No 10)- "Students Take Steps Toward Campus Ambulance Service" by John Fairhall
Source: [17.1.4] University at Albany, University Archive Digital Collection Click HERE for PDF of full issueOctober 2, 1972 Tower Tribune (Vol 4, No. 6) p.3 "Volunteers Train For Ambulances"
Source: [17.1.5] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionClick HERE for full PDF of issueOctober 30, 1972- Tower Tribune (Vol 4, No 10) "September Security Report Cites Student Assistance"
Source: [17.1.5] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionNovember 3, 1972- Albany Student Press (Vol 59, No 35) "SUNYA Administration Drags Feet on Ambulance", Letter to the Editor
Source: [17.1.6a] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionDecember 6, 1972- Albany Student Press (Vol 59, No 42) "Sirotkin Addresses a Pensive Council"
Source: [17.1.7] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionDecember 11, 1972- Tower Tribune (Vol 4, No 16) "Council Action Provides Voice for New Students"
Source: [17.1.8] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionStudent Affairs (SA) Endorsement
January 15, 1973- Tower Tribune (Vol 4, No 17) "Council Examines Bill Dates, Endorses Ambulance Service"
Source: [17.1.9] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionClick HERE for full PDF of issueJanuary 22, 1973- Tower Tribune (Vol 4, No 18) "University Council Approves Volunteer Ambulance Service"
Source: [17.1.10] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionJanuary 26, 1973- Albany Student Press (Vol 60, No 3, p7A)- "Five Quad Volunteer Ambulance Service is a Reality"
Source: [17.1.10a] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionNext up, funding and logistics... and the rest is history
February 12, 1973- Tower Tribune, (Vol 4, No. 21), p2 "Council Affirms Parking Report"
Source: [17.1.12] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionClick HERE for full PDF issue1973- Clipping from 1973 Student Handbook
Source: Shared by Catherine Ramos, Facebook [obtained from UAlbany Archive, unk. location]Dr. Janet Hood, the first Medical Director of Five Quad Volunteer Ambulance, was not entirely convinced of the necessity of an on-campus ambulance.
She was very outspoken about her opinions on the matter, frequently writing letters to the editor in protest.
February 16, 1973: Albany Student Press (Vol 60, No 8)- Letter to the Editor "Hoodwinked, Again!" by Dr. Janet Hood
Source: [17.1.12b] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionMarch 30, 1973- Albany Student Press (Vol 60, No 16), "Poly-unsaturated facts" Letter to the Editor by J. Hood, M.D.
Source: [17.1.12c] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionMarch 23, 1973: Albany Student Press (Vol 60, No 14, p16)- "Dying for an Ambulance" by Mike Igoe
Source: [17.1.12b] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionFast emergency medical care was the goal of a group of students at Albany State University (now University at Albany) who planned to begin their own campus ambulance service in the fall under the name Five Quad Volunteer Ambulance Service Inc.
The two-year-old drive to establish a student-run, round-the-clock ambulance service began because Albany ambulances sometimes took as long as 45 minutes to respond to a campus emergency call, stated Barry Bashkoff, chief organizer of the campus group. Janet Hood, director of student health services at the school, opposed the campus ambulance plan, saying "it would be a very costly duplication of services already existing in the area" and insisting that the average ambulance run was under 10 minutes.
During the past two years, about 150 students had undergone 85 hours of training to get medical emergency training certification, said said Bashkoff.
-- Time Union, August 30, 1973
January 22, 1974- Albany Student Press (Vol 61, No 2) "Ambulance Service Fights for Funds" by Nancy Albaugh
Source: [17.1.13] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionsClick HERE for full PDF of issueApril 19, 1974- Albany Student Press (Vol 61, No 3), "5-Quad funded by indirect SA grants" by Carole Zingman
Source: [17.1.13a] University at Albany, University Archives Digital CollectionApril 23, 1974- Albany Student Press (Vol 61, No 17) "By the Dawn's Early Light" by Mitchel Zoler
Source: [17.1.13b] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionNovember 12, 1974- Albany Student Press (Vol 61, No 35), "Cheering Five Quad" Letter to the Editor
Source: [17.1.13d] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionSeptember 16, 1974- Albany Student Press (Vol 61, No 22), "Five Quad Alive and Well" by Beverly Hearn.
Source: [17.1.13c] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionFebuary 29, 1975- Albany Student Press (Vol 62, No 11) "Five Quad Ambulance Service is the Victor by Two Lengths" by Randi B Toler
Source: [17.1.14] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionClick HERE for full PDF of issueApril 29, 1975- Albany Student Press (Vol 62, No 23) "Five Quad Seeks Money for Continued Service"
Source: [17.1.16] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionMay 16, 1975- The Altamont Enterprise (No 44), "Practice Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation"
Source: [22] NYS Historic Newspapers, The Altamont EnterpriseSeptember 30, 1975: Albany Student Press (Vol 62, No 34)- "Ambulance Retired at Last"
Source: [17.1.19] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionSeptember 9, 1975: Albany Studet Press (Vol 62, No 29, p5)- "Five Quad Ambulance on the job" by Randi B Toler
Source: [17.1.18] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionApril 2, 1976- Albany Student Press (Vol 63, No 16, p3), "Five Quad Ambulance: At Your Service" by Sue Emerson
Source: [17.1.22] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionApril 22, 1976: Albany Student Press (Vol 63, No 19, p3A), "Student Drivers Keep Infirmary Patients Rolling" by Elaine Gilson
Source: [17.1.23] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionVolunteer Ambulance Week is Officially Declared by the NYS Governor Hugh Carey

August 25, 1976: State of New York Executive Chamber- Proclamation of October 24-30, 1976 as "Volunteer Ambulance Week" in NYS by Governor
February 10, 1976: Albany Student Press (Vol 63, no 6)- Letter to the Editor "5 quad: call on us" by Wayne Printy, Chief of Services
Source: [17.1.20] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionSeptember 24, 1976: Albany Student Press (Vol 63, No 31), Letter to the Editor "Five, not six, quad" by Mary Corrigan, FQ President
Source: [17.1.24] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionOctober 25, 1976 Tower Tribune (Vol 8, No 9) "Five Quad Conducting Displays"
Source: UAlbany Archive [13]Click HERE for full PDF of issueOctober 12, 1976- Albany Student Press (Vol 63, No 35) "Emergency Capacity of SUNYA Gym Questioned" by Ed Moser
Source: [17.1.25] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionClick HERE for full PDF to issueNovember 13, 1979- Albany Student Press (Vol 66, No 44) "Class Councils Vote to Hike Dues" by Aron Smith
Source: [17.1.28] University at Albany, University Archive Digital CollectionFebruary 4, 1979: Albany Student Press (Vol 66, No 4, p3), "Vandals Smash Windshield of Five Quad Ambulance by Michele Israel
Source: [17.1.27] University at Albany, University Archive Digital Collection1978-1979 Excerpt from Student Handbook