Where we are today
Today, Five Quad consists of 70 members who are dedicated students volunteering their time to keep the service running, responsive, and free 24/7 while school is in session. They are overseen by Medical Director Dr. Waldrop, EMS Advisor Harjup Singh, and Faculty Advisor Elizabeth Conrad.
They run 2 box ambulances and a fly car, providing BLS services for the campus community and surrounding town in addition to special event coverage and various public education efforts. Most of the membership are certified NYS EMTs. There are currently 15 Members in Training (MITs) this semester (Fall 2023).
Funding comes from: UAS, SA, student activity fee, donations
Community Involvement:
Hands Only CPR
Stop the Bleed
CPR & First Aid courses
HeartSafe Campus (NCEMSF Guidelines)
Campus AED checks
Sponsorship of Red Cross Blood Drives
Professional Development:
Attends annual NCEMSF Conference in February
EMS World Expo Conference
Collaborative Trainings with UPD, CEHC, other collegiate EMS corps (i.e. MCI, Active Shooter, Stop the Bleed)
Current Officers:
President: Sean Beck (president@fivequad.org)
Chief: Kevin Zoda (chief@fivequad.org)
Vice President: Michael Bratslavsky (vpresident@fivequad.org)
Treasurer: Hilal Dagci (fqtreasurer@albany.edu)
Secretary: Christian Schmidhauser (secretary@fivequad.org)
BOD Officers: Gaby Valle, Sarah Kenny, Aliza Adil (fqbod@albany.edu)
Lieutenants: Kevin Zoda, Hannah Clavijo, Makhi Jackson
EMS Advisor: Harjup Singh
Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Conrad
Medical Director: Dr. Michael Waldrop
Address: Service Building A1, 1 Alumni Drive, Albany, NY 12222
Phone: 518-442-5555 (non-emergency)
July 5, 2020- "How to Become an EMT"- YouTube vlog by Precious Oriakhi
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Spectrum News
UPDATED 11:34 AM ET APR. 24, 2020 PUBLISHED 9:58 PM ET APR. 23, 2020